TimeTo Tips

Share documentation with your SmartText

In this video, find two ways to share your SmartText content: with the Permalink URL and with the Smart Page table, to facilitate the creation of documentation bases.
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How to Share a SmartText from the Permalink Transmitted in a Smart Page ?

Let's go step by step:

The Permalink column is created. It is configured on the SmartText column that is right next to it. What I want is to share this information. I will click on my Permalink. Obtain my web view. Copy my URL. Return to my table. Add a SmartPage view. Name this view. Paste your URL. Retrieve. Validate.

You will find a SmartPage view with all your tables right here. And therefore the information you want to communicate through this SmartPage.


1. Create your SmartText column.
2. Create your Permalink column that you link to your SmartText column.
3. Open your Permalink URL. Arrive at the web page. Copy the available URL.
4. Create your newspaper page, name it, paste your URL and validate, and find this view in the entire column of your tables.

Using this method, you can share your information in different ways, create documentation bases, and share them efficiently via the Permalink. You could also link it to a QR code for other communication supports.

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