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How to Use the Conditional Text Column (List from Another Table)

Learn how to use the conditional text column in TimeTonic to copy dynamic values without impacting the history of your workspace.
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How to Use the Conditional Text Column in TimeTonic.

The conditional text column feature enables you to copy the original value from a column in another table based on the choice made in the selection column. Before we start, a clarification on the use cases for this feature.

The conditional text column, upon an update at the source, does not impact the history of your workspace. It represents the data as a non-dynamic value. It creates a copy of the original value where it is used at time T. In comparison, the linked table column, when updated at the data source, impacts the entire history in your workspace. It represents the data as a dynamic value. It uses the original value where it is used at time T. This comparison allows you to make the right choice according to your project.

Here is an example illustrating the concept of the conditional text column for creating quotes. Let's see together how updating catalog prices will not impact my previous quotes, which may be in signed or even invoiced status, using the conditional text column.

We have a pre-configured table corresponding to a product catalog with unit prices. Now, I will access the table that will allow me to generate quote lines. I will create a material selection. A selection from another table within my workspace. I will select the material catalog. There, I validate.

I now have my selection column from another table.

On the material name, I will add the conditional text column for the price. I set it up on my previously installed selection column and select the unit price of my product. I now have the two elements I need to create lines in my quote. I will make a sample to choose a product and see that the price is displayed automatically.

In my catalog, I will change the price of tiles to 5 euros per unit instead of 3.50. I will go to the quote generation lines. This is an already existing quote, and I can see that my price has not changed. If I were to create a new quote now for tiles, the update has been applied, but it has not impacted my existing quote. This is the advantage of the conditional text column.


1. Create the selection column from another table.
2. Insert the conditional text column configured on the previously created selection column.
3. Check that your conditional text automatically applies upon selection in the selection column element.

Using the conditional text column in TimeTonic allows you to retrieve and display data, ensuring the existing data is secured upon updating the source.

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