Set up your own No Code Hackathon!

TimeTonic and Zelig join forces to help you set up a No Code Hackathon

Start your no code hackathon  and benefit from a tailor-made support to answer the problems of your teams by involving them.

A custom-made methodology 100% adapted to your needs!

A two-to-three-day timeline for your No Code Hackathon

Introduction to no code

We help you understand what no code is and how you can free yourself from developers to create the applications you want!

Training with TimeTonic

TimeTonic is a flexible and intuitive tool, you will need to know the basics in order to create the business application of your dreams!

Don't worry, this theoretical and practical training is quick and will allow you to discover in detail the advantages of TimeTonic

Ideation stage

As a team, your collaborators meet to share the different needs and requirements and imagine different versions of their future business application

This phase allows all employees to express their ideas, even the most reserved among them. Benevolence and listening are the key words of this stage!

Creation of applications

The different teams now have the prototype of their application and it's time to roll up their sleeves and transpose their idea into TimeTonic!

No worries, our TimeTonic experts will assist them throughout the creation phase to create the most perfect application

Presentation of the creations

The applications are functional! Perfect, it's time to present the project in front of the jury, composed of our experts and managers of your organization

Jury deliberation

The tension is at its peak, who will be the winner of this hackathon no code?

*Drum rolls*

Announcement of the results

The no code hackathon is over, the applications have been tested and evaluated, it is now time to announce the winners!

This hackathon is not a competition, even if a winner is announced, the others are not sidelined and a surprise awaits them too!

Ready to set up your first No code Hackathon?

Free yourself from costly development and inflexible software by giving your team the ability to create their own solutions!

Set up the perfect No Code Hackathon for your organization

Contact us!
Picture of "Frederic Lajoux"
Frédéric Lajoux
Directeur Territorial
Our no code hackathon was a real success! We have proven that we can innovate: our agents have succeeded in less than 48 hours to find two solutions that are fully operational and applicable in the coming days.

But what is a No Code hackathon?


Contraction of marathon and hacker, it is a contest of creation of internal applications without any programming, without code, organized in a short time (2 to 3 days).

What for ?

A no code hackathon is an event that consists in encouraging ideation, in order to generate ideas and solutions on a given theme.

Finally, teams will be able to test their ideas in an accelerated way, experiment and prototype, in order to validate the submitted ideas.

What benefits?

This initiative allows employees to get out of their daily lives and to step back from their missions to think about potential innovations. A real motivational tool for teams and collective intelligence for the company!

Enedis Hackathon
The "Data 2022" challenge

The succes story

Discover how Enedis - Champagne Ardennes teams created their own no code applications in 2 days with the help of our TimeTonic experts.

A 2-day discovery no code hackathon, training and creation of business applications by the teams themselves.

Why should I set up a No Code Hackathon?

Speed up your digital transformation

Short and efficient training formats to help you structure your innovation process

Unique Methodology

From conception to animation, we ensure the emergence of relevant solutions adapted to your organization


A rich and high quality animation as well as a sharp expertise on technologies and key skills for your event

Internal motivation factor

Initiate an internal participative innovation process

100% suitable

Prepared and facilitated for your organization for 2 or 3 days

Custom made solution

Resolve your problem through the collective intelligence of your team and innovate through your ecosystem