TimeTo Tips

How to generate autofills with AI from a source in Timetonic

Automatically generate data fields in a row from its source with AI in Timetonic, a possibility that can be duplicated to your professional context, which can optimize your workflow.
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How to entrust AI with automatic data entry in Timetonic?
Use the AI automation feature to automatically fill in some of your fields.
Let's see together how this is possible.
The example is not exhaustive.
As it can be considered in different ways to duplicate it in your professional context.

For this example,
I use the subtitle source of a video that includes all the data I need to generate a title,
a description, and a translation.
Let's first look at the columns installed in our table before creating the AI automation.
Five columns will receive different fields.
Two title columns that are in plain text,
two description columns that are in multi-text, and another column in multi-text as well.
This one will receive the source that I will give to the AI, and here are the fields that will be automatically populated by the automations we create.

In Automation,
Automation with AI,
I create a new automation name,
on which I indicate a trigger.
When I feed my source,
ask ChatGPT or Mistral depending on the AI you use.
Review the AI configuration video.

I arrive at the form,
I made my configuration,
I will indicate the action desired to the AI.
I ask it to construct a title that will be pasted into a column field and that comes from a video transcription I have given it.
The question comes from the field,
of the video source,
and it should indicate the answer in the title.
And I validate.

I create the automation for the description.
I indicate a command prompt asking it to write the description from the received subtitle text of the video in conditions of 180 characters with an ending containing different hashtags and a precise naming for the video SEO.
again, the source it will receive.
And I ask it to write it in the column intended for that.
We continue with the third AI automation,
always under the same triggering conditions,
with Chat GPT in game configuration,
the command prompt to describe the title it receives in English translation not exceeding 40 characters in French.
be inspired.
So this time the source is a translation from the English title it must translate into French.

and I select the source of the answer.
Let's proceed with the fourth and last automation which this time will translate the English description into French.
I still use the same source.
I tell it that it will receive data containing description elements in English and I simply ask it to translate them into French for me.
I specify where it finds the data source and finally the source where it provides its answer.
We now have our four AI automations ready.

Let's test it.
All the automations have worked properly.
We can check if the quality of the responses given are relevant.
the script carried over from the previous AI configuration tutorial.

The title,
the description in English meets all expectations, corresponding to the prompt given.
And the translation.
translation is perfect as well.
I can certainly make some modifications to the AI's work suggestions.

If I am not satisfied with the responses provided,
I can reiterate the prompt to the AI, renew it, and re-run my automation to see if the result matches my expectations.
In summary,
today's tutorial shows that repetitive, time-consuming, and low-value data entry tasks can be effectively automated with AI in TimeTonic,
and optimize daily operations.

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