TimeTo Tips

How to Use the Planner View in TimeTonic

Discover how to apply a planner view in Timetonic! Organize your data on a timeline, manipulate it easily, and enjoy clear visibility of your projects.
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How to apply a Planner View in Timetonic?
The Planner View in Timetonic provides a visual representation on a timeline where you can organize and manipulate your data directly, concretely.
Let's see this together right away.
In this Planner View, I want to organize a three-month educational progression that includes a level of competence and sub-competence weekly.
My table consists of a description of the competence and sub-competence with a type of work, a start date, and an end date.
I will create a new view that I will name.
I will select the view option in the horizontal bar and I will choose the Planner View.
My configuration window appears.
I will select the name of the description of the items that will be in the timeline, the start date, and the event end date.
I will group by sub-competences and competences.
I could add a third group and work.
I save.
Here is the first Planner View that we get after configuration, a visibility of our data in the timeline over the year, where we see the months in which events are organized, classified by competences and sub-competences, with a color ranking of the types of work.
I can have a visibility of events on the quarter, on the month, bi-monthly, weekly, during business hours, in a quarter of a day, by the hour, by the half-hour, or by the quarter-hour.
I can manipulate the data by directly clicking on a data to open the card to modify it.
I could reduce its duration directly with the wheel on the sides that we drag and drop or to move or reduce.
I can right-click to duplicate the event or delete it, or even select the event to move it in the timeline.
I notice the day in which I am precisely here in this timeline.
I can move with the wheels in the range directly and I can drag the event in this way or scroll down deeper in the tree by double-clicking in a range to add a new event.
You will have understood, using the Planner View in Timetonic offers a powerful solution to organize dates and projects by providing a clear visibility of your data and in a modular way.

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