How to optimize your harvest follow-up quickly with TimeTonic?

" No more loose sheets and whiteboards! "
TimeTonic Team
December 2, 2022
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Lafalise Froissart champagne is located in the heart of the Verzenay Grand Cru vineyard, a Pinot Noir terroir in the Reims mountain. For six generations, this insider's house has aimed at an environmental viticulture based on the biodiversity of the soils and the crops.

In order to produce the best champagne possible, there is no room for chance. Every detail counts and rigor is required.

That's why Caroline F. had initially designed an Excel-based ERP system, complete with sheets and whiteboards, for lack of a software perfectly adapted to the needs of the winery.

Although functional, this solution had its limits. Indeed, the risks of data loss were important, which could compromise traceability and therefore quality.

That's when Caroline wanted to test Nocode, this new way of configuring digital solutions (applications and interfaces in particular) without writing a single line of code. She chose TimeTonic and that's how she got started.

In just six days, the application was born and ready to be used by the whole family.
TimeTonic's visual interface made it easy to get started.

"My 65 year old father mastered TimeTonic in 5 minutes to manage his receipts. No more stressing about deleting a formula or blocking the Excel file.
The mobile application generated instantly and working even offline makes it possible to intervene from anywhere: in the office, in the winery or in the vineyards. It's a true collaborative application that allows everyone to have access to the right information at the right time.

"Mika and Flo managed the marcs, vats and shipments by writing down the information on their smartphones. It's a real time and efficiency saver, better communication between the day and night teams."  

The data is now secured on a single application that is accessible at all times.

"No more need to delete all the formulas every night to lighten my Excel file and pray that it doesn't explode in the process..."

Thanks to the dashboards, the data is exploited live.

"Paul, my husband had his eyes glued to his TimeTonic app and metrics to track his company's flow in real time. He is already asking me for his next TimeTonic project to track all his traceability."

"On my side, I let you imagine the pressure of launching a new software for a crazy period like the harvest. I can assure you that my Excel file was ready just in case... After the stress of the first day, everything went very well.

Finally, the flexibility of TimeTonic, which allows the creation of new fields in a few clicks, allows the Froissart family to be truly agile during a period when every minute is precious.

The setup is so easy that I even continued during those 12 days to optimize the software and the application as the team requested."

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