How Diamécal managed to customize TimeTonic to meet its mobile force planning needs

From managing all of its sales activities (CRM) and after-sales service (AS) to obtaining ISO 9001 certification thanks to no-code: feedback from the TimeTonic application by Diamécal
TimeTonic Team
October 25, 2021
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Diamécal, a company specialized in the outsourcing of customer services in the medical field and more precisely in the after-sales service of in vitro diagnostic equipment, performs more than 2000 interventions in the field each year. To supervise all of its missions, Diamécal chose TimeTonic, the #nocode platform for collaborative management and process automation, to implement a solution that allows it to manage its sales activities (CRM) and the planning of its teams and to generate its intervention reports. Back on the creation of this custom application made without any programming.

Within the framework of its development, Diamécal was looking for a CRM/ERP to supervise all the missions that its customers entrust to it each month. In spite of the test of several solutions, none of them managed to cover all the necessary tools and options. It was a real challenge for the company to have a planning tool that would give a global vision of upcoming interventions. Until then, the teams were working mainly in Excel, and management was looking for a tool that was better suited to their needs.

One day, we met TimeTonic at a trade show,

says Nicolas Demay, President and founder of Diamécal.

We didn't really know where to turn, but we found their tool very interesting. They were responsive and were able to offer us a solution quickly.

As Jean-Michel Durocher, CEO of Timetonic, explains,

It is almost impossible for companies to find an application that covers all the digital needs of their employees, as the missions are sometimes so unique depending on the sector, without installing a complex, heavy and rigid ERP, which is very difficult to set up and evolve, or by setting up dozens of different tools.
With its innovative Smart-Tables® collaborative database technology, TimeTonic is the first platform that allows each company to implement a modern, cloud-based, mobile, collaborative and customized management solution that covers so many of its needs, and that can be customized with the same simplicity and flexibility as a spreadsheet,

he concluded.

Administrative management divided by 4

Diamécal started by managing the schedules and details of a first client's interventions with TimeTonic, then easily extended it to supervise the interventions of all its clients, which is more than 2000 interventions per year. Since then, from intervention reports to inventory management, from expense reports to invoicing... all projects are now managed with TimeTonic.

If TimeTonic was originally a simple planning/CRM tool, it has now become Diamécal's global management solution, both in the field and in the office,

explains Mr. Demay.

TimeTonic saves us a lot of time: our intervention reports, which used to take up to 20 minutes to fill out, are now completed in less than 5 minutes on the application.

After a quick training, Diamécal was able to quickly manipulate TimeTonic and make its settings, and was able to build in a few days a solution that meets all its digital needs, from CRM to intervention management. Now completely autonomous, Diamécal can adapt its solution in real time according to the needs of its agents in the field.
Mr. Demay now plans all his operations on TimeTonic. The agents can then directly find on their cell phones all the details and information specific to each machine on site, fill out the intervention questionnaires, take pictures, scan bar-codes and directly create the intervention reports.

An ISO 9001 certification thanks to TimeTonic

As part of its process of continuous improvement of the quality of its products and services and in order to meet the requirements of its most important customers, Diamécal also wished to implement a process management methodology following the ISO 9001 standard.

TimeTonic was the ideal tool for this purpose, allowing both the planning and management of all activities while maintaining complete traceability, which enabled Diamécal to obtain ISO 9001 certification, a guarantee of international recognition, in record time.

An offline mobile application: essential for HQE standards in hospitals

The mobile application, also available offline, allows for real-time information feedback, even without a connection, thanks to offline work.

As healthcare sites are subject to strict HQE standards, connectivity is very low in laboratories or hospitals. Thanks to this feature, they can enter a laboratory room without having any network connectivity problems.

TimeTonic: a trusted partner

The fact that the solution is very flexible and that we can make it evolve ourselves as soon as necessary is very appreciable. But in order to implement a unique application dedicated to all our businesses, we needed to be supported. The fact that TimeTonic has always been available and accessible has helped us a lot,

adds Mr. Demay.

We are very happy that TimeTonic has been able to support a company as dynamic and professional as Diamécal in digitizing its entire work process, increasing productivity, improving service quality and giving its customers more visibility, which gives them a real competitive advantage. The fact that TimeTonic has enabled the company to quickly obtain ISO 9001 certification also proves that having an agile solution powered by a collaborative #nocode database is a plus to accelerate its digital transformation, regardless of the size of the company,

concludes Jean-Michel Durocher.

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