May 2022

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TimeTonic improved once again !

What happened in may at TimeTonic ?

We gain in functionalities, you gain in efficiency

Global rework of Gantt view

A huge work has been done to make TimeTonic Gantt view a powerful tool for your organisation. 

Learn how to use it (available soon)

Ideal to illustrate your projects schedule.

Export data on muliple tabs on Excel template

You automatic documents based on Excel can export data on multiple tabs.

Learn how to use it

Ideal to generate a clean export or using Excel formulas for your Automatic documents.

You can directly edit your columns via Organize fields

Display every single column of your table and quickly edit each one.

Quickly build your ideal tool and keep it relevant to your needs

And that's not all !

  • Redesign of template editor
  • If your permalink displays a single file or a single URL, you directly access the file or the URL.
  • User on mirrored workspace can no longer change view type.
  • Links displayed as table on form mode consider frozen columns.
  • You can move your links on form mode if your links are displayed as cards
  • Row deletion via right click on column headers instantly delete rows.
  • New option on view type : you can simply apply the view type to punctualy work on it or save the view.
  • If you search or apply a filter on the trash bin and decide to empty / restore it, only visible rows will be affected.
  • A quicksearch on a view in a table is preserved if you change view in the same table