March 2018

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Default value: TimeTonic identifier of the user or logbook

For some columns (texts, formulas, link to a table), it is now possible to define a default value containing either the TimeTonic identifier of the user, e.g. sam or the identifier of the notebook, e.g. project.sam.

Thus, when creating a new line, the value of this column will be automatically filled with the identifier of the user or the logbook.

Particularly useful for example to automatically assign new opportunities created by your salesperson in your CRM, or to identify from which notebook the new information in your mirror views comes from.

Download all the data of a table for offline mobile access

In the mobile version, the data from the tables in a notebook can now be fully downloaded for use when no internet access is available.

This option is available on the Android version only for the moment. The iOS version will be available soon.

But then again...

  • Enhancedrights management with the addition of Read Only rights, the ability to limit access to mobile only, and the ability to predefine which right will be assigned to new users before they sign up.
  • Variables respecting column case in Word templates for report, quote, invoice creation.
  • Adding the date and the identifier of the person who deleted or restored a line in the trash.
  • New interface more 'rounded'.
  • The duplicate form mode element option also duplicates the linked elements of the linked elements when they are being created automatically (phew!).
  • Support for excel files containing macros.
  • Automatic update of mirror views.
  • Improved file view.