March - May 2019

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Retained view settings, Empty spreadsheet view, Drag and drop documents between fields, Quick search, performance

  • When copying a view, the view choices to be applied for each link field to another table are now preserved.
  • New view option to display only the results of a search: a new view option ' '.Activate mandatory searchThe 'Hide' option allows you to hide the data when the user opens the view and show only the results of a quick search or, in mirror view, only the results of a filter.
    Use this option when you want to hide the data in a table for confidentiality or when the amount of data is too large.
  • Drag and drop documents between attachment fields: in form view, it is now possible to copy and paste a document from one attachment field to another by simply dragging and dropping it.
  • Quick search: new indexing method allowing a search 10 times faster but with some restrictions, including the fact that partial search is only possible if the word starts with the letters you are looking for: if you need to search in the middle of a word, use filters with the'contains' option instead.
  • Quick search: now press Entry to run the quick search for big tables.
  • Nouveau type de colonne 'texte conditionnel' + modèle : il est maintenant possible de créer une colonne de type 'texte conditionnel (texte d'une autre table)' dont le texte varie en fonction d'une autre colonne.
    La colonne dont dépend le texte doit être de type Sélection (liste d'une autre table).
    De plus, il est possible d'utiliser le principe des modèles Word et Excel au contenu de cette nouvelle colonne. Si le texte contient des étiquettes comme ${code_de_colonne}, l'étiquette sera remplacée par la valeur de la colonne correspondante.
    Parfait par exemple pour la création de modèle d'email, pour associer un taux de change au choix d'une devise, gérer des frais kilométriques, etc.
  • New 'button' option for auto docs : it is now possible to transform the link to the auto doc into a button so that in form view only the button is visible. By clicking on it the user will open the generated document according to the chosen template.
  • New column choice option for auto doc templates: it is now possible to select a column containing the template to be applied by the auto doc, allowing to have a different template per record. The chosen column must be of type Attachments (or of type column of a linked table pointing to a column of type Attachments). Perfect, for example, for the creation of correspondence (template for a letter to a lawyer, template for a reply to an inquiry, etc.).
  • New option of auto docs allowing to choose the template in another column (file type or file column type of a linked table). It is thus possible to create a table with all its models, and to create a link to this table to allow to choose, line by line, which model to use (previously the only option available was to apply for the auto doc the same model for all the lines).
  • Faster but more limited search: to speed up the performance of the quick search, especially on large tables; we now exclude from the quick search the content of complex fields (files, links, columns of related tables, comments, histories).
    To search in this type of columns, use the filters that allow you to specify the search criteria field by field.
    Another option is to create a CONCAT type formula that copies the contents of the columns that you want to make accessible through the quick search.
  • Limitation of notebook duplications before 7pm: for performance optimization reasons, complete copies of the notebook are temporarily blocked between midnight and 7pm.
  • New formula DAY_OPEN_DELTA calculating the number of working days between two dates: similar to DAY_DELTA but removing Saturdays and Sundays.
  • New calculation method for the formula WEEK_DELTA_TODAY: from now on, the calculation result shows the difference between the week number of the formula date and the week number of the current date, instead of the number of days divided by seven separating the two dates. The week number is in ISO-8601, weeks start on Monday.
  • New "over-filter" in mirror view: it is now possible to filter/sort locally (i.e. without affecting other users) mirror views with the usual TimeTonic filters. This new over-filter only applies to the fields visible in the mirror view. The new filter / sort will be added to the existing filter / sort (the one defined by the administrator who created the mirror view).
  • New view option blocking the addition of data: a new view option allows to block the addition of data, live - the plus ("+") buttons disappear - and also from a linked table. For example your timesheet table allows the user to choose from the list of projects, but you don't want the user to be able to add new projects. In the form view of a timesheet, make sure that you choose a view to apply to the project selection that has the option "" in the view to apply to the project selection.Locking adding records in the view"is activated.
  • New date format : At last! It's now possible to choose a date format different from'yyyy-mm-dd', like the french format'dd-mm-yyyy' (27-02-2019 for example) or the american one'mm/dd/yyyyy' (02/27/2019).